It was Christmas 2014. A group of friends decided to put their faith into action by adopting some families in need through their local school district. When the Christmas lists were received they didn't include many toys or games. The lists included things like new socks, new underwear, new shoes and just basic necessities. Knowing this was not just a need at Christmas time prompted this group of friends to find a way to help kids in need all year. Eagle's Wings was born. We do not want kids to be singled out in school because they don't have properly fitted or season appropriate clothes. Building and maintaining positive self-esteem can be difficult during school years, and even more so for kids who are visibly lacking the essentials. We want to help these kids feel confident. We believe a child's confidence will soar the moment he/she can throw away their worn out tennis shoes and trade them for a brand new pair. We believe that a new pair of tennis shoes will not only protect their small feet, but will also warm their hearts and lift their little heads. We also believe that when kids don't have to worry about the basics they can focus better on their school work and building positive relationships with their peers. So, a living room conversation among some friends about helping kids in need at Christmas grew into a mission to help kids in need all year long.
In response to our faith in Christ, Eagle’s Wings exists to help children with some of the basics so they can soar through school and life.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
I Peter 4:10